‘The South Australian Council for the Greek Cultural Month Inc.’ was established in 1991 with encouragement from the then Consul General of Greece as an exclusively arts and cultural organisation. It is an incorporated body, a community based umbrella organisation, non political, non religious and not for profit, and a true uniting force in the promotion of Hellenic art and culture. Membership is open to any group, individual or organisation interested in Hellenic culture.

Members of the SA Council for the Greek Cultural Month Incorporated

  • Cretan Association of SA
  • Constantinople Hellenic Society of SA
  • Cypus Community of SA Inc
  • Friends of Ecclesiastical & Byzantine Music Association
  • Glendi Greek Festival
  • Greeks of Egypt & Middle East Society of SA Incorporated
  • Greek Orthodox Community & Parish of Prophet Elias
  • Greek Orthodox Community & Parish of Saint Spyridon
  • Greek Orthodox Community of Port Adelaide The Nativity of Christ
  • Greek Orthodox Community & Parish of Saint George
  • Greek Orthodox Community & Parish of Saint Anthony
  • Greek Orthodox Parish of Saint Panteleimon
  • Inter-Communities Council of SA
  • Malona Society St George Rhodes SA Incorporated
  • National Union of Greek Australian Students SA
  • Organisation of Hellenic & Hellenic Cypriot Women of Australia
  • Panarcadian Association SA ‘Kolokotronis’
  • Pan Ipirotikos Society of SA
  • Pan-Laconian Society of SA
  • Pan Macedonian Association of South Australia
  • Panrhodian Society Colossus’ (SA) Incorporated
  • SA Friends of AA.I.A Inc.
  • The Vrinean Society
  • Zakynthian Society of SA

The Board, whose members are volunteers, is elected every 2 years at the AGM from representatives nominated by member organisations. The major task of the Board is to coordinate and deliver FESTIVAL HELLENIKA, which takes place fro February to June, every year. To make the Festival as accessible as possible, many of the events are free and all activities are funded primarily through financial sponsorship, sponsorship in kind, and fund raising. Finances are audited annually and financial statements presented to all member organisations.


The future is immensely exciting, with many wonderful opportunities for existing community organisations and others to get involved, and contribute directly to the development and promotion of Hellenic culture in Australia.

If you see value in the SACGCM and FESTIVAL HELLENIKA, please encourage your organisation to become members or join us as a volunteer. Together we can build on what has already been achieved.

The defining feature of FESTIVAL HELLENIKA, is Hellenism – the study of all things Greek.

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